Night Time

Sky's alit with starry splendor
Moon's aglow with the sun's own grandeur
Night time sprayed with shades of blue
There's nothing compared to this majestic hue
Sleepyheads lay upon pillows so light
Dream of things, of wondrous sight
Never minding the things around
COnfident that they're safe and sound
Under the canopy of the satiny sky
The houses on hills silently lie
The air around whispers caresses
Lays some kisses on everyone's faces
Animals both great and small
Now give in to the sleepy call
Like humans too, they need their rest
For the next day, to be at their best
We need not worry,need not fear
God is watching, He is here
Keep in mind He's always there
Never leaving because He cares.

Copyright 6-25-06 2126H


  1. Nice. I guess this is an old poem you wrote and just typed it up here. You really have the talent for this.


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