Little Wolves
"Set on the Minnesota prairie in the late 1980s during a drought season that’s pushing family farms to the brink, Little Wolves features the intertwining stories of a father searching for answers after his son commits a heinous murder, and a pastor’s wife (and washed-out scholar of early Anglo-Saxon literature) who has returned to the town for mysterious reasons of her own."
There were a lot of references to the book title within the story itself; however, it failed to take root and develop into a deeper story. There were two overlapping stories and both had very vague backgrounds. I tried to make the connection, and yes there was, but some details were left out or were just left hanging until the very end. When I finished the book, some questions lingered and remained unanswered. Motive for the act was left ambiguous by the author. Although snippets or a slight explanation was offered, there were still areas in the whole story that seemed lost. Generally, Little Wolves was an okay read. It just failed to connect with me, as a reader - to make that emotional connection. It would be a nice read for those who are looking for a light and simple storytelling of mystery, fairytale and fact.
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